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At Sotec Consulting we firmly believe that with our values and principles applied to our management, we produce more effective and competitive results.

One of the key components for the development of our services is our business reputation. Therefore, impartiality, honesty and responsibility are the points that served as bases for the development of our ethical code.

Our values- curiosity, proactivity, integrity, perseverance and determination- are part of our business culture and are subscribed by the people that form part of Sotec Consulting. This makes us more cohesive, and follows a common strategy focused on sustainable and profitable growth.

In our ethical code also include standards of conduct relating to:

  • Working environment.

  • Record and information reports.

  • Resources protection.

  • Conflict of interest.

  • Community relations.

  • Environment.

We believe in business transparency and the code of conduct, so we are very aware of the latest reform of the Penal Code made by the Organic Law 1/2015, which recognizes the criminal liability of legal persons, which allows criminal penalties to be applied to business. In order to mitigate the criminal liability of legal persons and to prevent criminal offenses we have Compliance Sotec Consulting, a tool put at the service of workers to comply with the Penal Law.